Paul Cronin

Something new!

Was playing a suit contract at the club this week, with LHO leading a side suit ace. When the hand was over, LHO berated her partner for not returning the suit she had led at trick 1, saying “You know I would never lead an ace when I have two or three with it – only when it’s a singleton”. Wonder if there’s a name for this convention?


Steve GaynorMay 15th, 2013 at 7:27 pm

It was invented by the same person who came up with leading singletons with their left hand.

John Howard GibsonMay 16th, 2013 at 7:45 pm

HBJ : There are situations when the bold lead of an Ace might well be a singleton, given the bidding, and likely distribution and layout of the cards plus HCPs. Given the fact that this lead might be the only way partner is ever likely to score a second trick to put the contract down.

Paul CroninMay 17th, 2013 at 3:34 pm

Hello HBJ,

The point here isn’t whether it’s sometimes correct or advisable to lead an ace against a suit contract, but rather that LHO was berating partner for not remembering that when she led an ace in such a situation it was always a singleton. This constitutes an illegal partnership agreement.

Paul CroninMay 17th, 2013 at 3:35 pm

Hi Steve,

How about calling it “LACES” then ?

L(eft) ACE S(ingleton).

Jeff FordMay 20th, 2013 at 7:57 pm

It’s not an illegal partnership agreement unless they fail to disclose it. It’s perfectly legal, although dumb, to agree that you only lead aces against suits when they are singletons.

paul croninMay 21st, 2013 at 1:25 am

Hello Jeff,

Would like to hear from others as to whether such an agreement, when disclosed, is “perfectly legal”. In the interim, have to ask what would constitute disclosure? Should it be alerted when the lead is made?

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